Although sinkholes are all potentially dangerous to your home and your property, they are not all created equal. In order to mediate a sinkhole on someone’s property, there are many different techniques that professionals can use depending on the situation, one of which is known as grouting. Spring Hill residents should be aware that a professional sinkhole mediator has the ability to determine what would be the best approach to fixing a sinkhole. There may be some conditions on a location that suggest that grouting might not be a suitable fix, such as if the sinkhole has access to water lines of a body of water nearby.

What is Grouting?

Grouting sinkholes is a technique that repairs a sinkhole by slowly filling It up with some sort of mixture, most often something with cement. Often times with grouting, Spring Hill sinkhole professionals have to excavate till they hit bedrock in order to have a solid foundation to fill the existing hole. You would not want to pour concrete into a hole that keeps expanding. Often times if a sinkhole is way too large, grouting is not the best approach to take. The amount of grout it would require to fill a very deep sinkhole is not practice for the task at hand.

What Kinds of Grouting are There?

Even though grouting is a technique that is used remediate some forms of sinkholes, there is more than one way to use grouting. Spring Hill sinkhole professionals might tell you that there are two main types of grouting. The first one is known as compaction grouting, which was described above, but the other technique is known as permeation grouting. This is often used for sinkholes that have not broken the surface of the ground, or ones that are hiding deep down that will become problems in the future.

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