Sinkholes can come in many shapes and sizes depending on the type of sediment and its erosion in a specific area. Some of these sinkholes can be as small as a manhole cover, while some can be large enough to swallow a whole house. When it comes to a sinkhole, Pine Island residents might want to know how long it takes for one to stop growing, and the true answer is that it can take many years or decades depending much on the geological conditions of an area. It is safe to say that larger sinkholes have been growing and eroding much longer than smaller sinkholes.

Why do Some Sinkholes Stay Dormant for Decades?

It is not uncommon for homeowners to not know why some sinkholes can spring up in a matter of days, while others will not be discovered for a matter of years. When it comes to any type of sinkhole, Pine Island residents should know that the time it takes for a sinkhole to collapse depends on the strength of the ground at the surface of the location. If a sinkhole is active at a much higher level than another one, the one that is closer to the surface is going to show up first. This is why deep sinkholes may stay hidden for many years without anyone knowing that there is activity underneath their property.

The Amount of Limestone at a Location

A sinkhole will continue to grow in size as long as limestone sediment is being slowly eroded by different forms of water, which could be standing ground water or regular rain. Even seasonal storms and hurricanes can have a major impact on how fast a sinkhole will develop and when it will stop growing. When it comes to a sinkhole, Pine Island residents should be made aware that apart from the depth of a sinkhole, the amount of limestone present at a location is another factor that can cause a sinkhole to be exposed in a matter of days or a matter of years.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of *Sinkhole Titan*