Being a homeowner in the state of Florida, one of the biggest concerns that we should all be watching out for is sinkhole activity. Sinkholes can develop relatively quickly, but sometimes they go undiscovered for a long time. Fixing a sinkhole as soon as possible should be a top priority because they can cause lots of damage to your home and property. When it comes to sinkhole repair, Brooksville residents should not be paying for the repairs if they have some form of sinkhole coverage from an insurance company. In order for an insurance company to pay for the sinkhole repairs, they are going to have to perform investigations to prove damage to a home was caused by a sinkhole.

Insurance Sinkhole Investigations

An insurance company does not have the tools or knowledge to actively invest sinkhole claims on their own. For this reason, it is most common that an insurance company will contract a professional drilling company before they commit to any sinkhole repair. Brooksville residents should know that in order to accurately see if there is a sinkhole at a location is to drill into the ground and look at the soil and sediment conditions. Only once there is conclusive evidence of sinkhole activity on the property will insurance companies step in to cover the costs.

What If There is No Conclusive Evidence?

Sometimes when a homeowner thinks that there is an active sinkhole on their property they find that there was little to no evidence to suggest that they need sinkhole repair. Brooksville residents should not feel discouraged if during investigations there were no signs of a sinkhole activity. This means that you are in better shape than you thought from a sinkhole, but it can also mean that the sinkhole is very slow at growing. At this point, it is recommended to wait a couple of months to see if any of the conditions have changed. If a homeowner still thinks there is a sinkhole at that point in time, they can call their insurance company again.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of *Sinkhole Titan*