Being in the state of Florida, a sinkhole is bound to pop up on your property or in the immediate vicinity at some point or another. Even if a sinkhole is not on your property, it can be a little scary if one of your neighbors discovers a sinkhole and needs to seek out professional sinkhole repair. Spring Hill residents should be made aware that although you should feel lucky that the sinkhole is not affecting your house or property, it is still a sign that you need to be careful and watch out for sinkhole activity on your property.

Sinkhole Activity Happens with Specific Geological Conditions

Sinkholes are not just some random occurrences. There has to be the perfect balance of geological conditions and loss of sediment. This means that if a neighbor feels as though they need to call a professional for sinkhole repair, Spring Hill residents should know there is a good chance that your property also contains similar geological conditions. Even if there is no sign of a sinkhole on your property currently, homeowners still may have a sinkhole develop in the future if there is a significant loss of specific sediments on the property caused by erosion from rain and other water.

Sinkholes Can Grow Rapidly and Effect Your Property

Even if a sinkhole is not on your property but on a nearby yard of one of your neighbors, a homeowner should still be worried about potential sinkhole damage. The reality of a situation is that a sinkhole can grow very rapidly, even onto your yard where you could need sinkhole repair. Spring Hill residents should be made aware of the real potential of a sinkhole that did not start on your property slowly making its way onto yours. Some sinkholes grow slowly enough that someone can catch it and correct the issue, but some sinkholes seem to develop overnight and cause issues. 

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of *Sinkhole Titan*